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Nat Neurosci:神经胶质细胞变化影响小鼠社会性行为
2014-03-26 14:27  



Cornelius Gross等人通过转基因手段让小鼠大脑中的神经胶质细胞数量发生短暂减少并由此展开研究。他们发现,小鼠之间的社会性互动行为下降,同时,修饰行为增加——该行为被认为与强迫症和自闭症谱系障碍中的重复行为相似。通过观察大脑样本,研究人员发现这些小鼠的突触修剪发生缺陷,其大脑中代表认知和社会性行为的两块区域——海马体和前额皮质之间的功能性连接减少。

Nature Neuroscience      DOI: doi:10.1038/nn.3641

Deficient neuron-microglia signaling results in impaired functional brain connectivity and social behavior

Yang Zhan,  Rosa C Paolicelli,  Francesco Sforazzini,  Laetitia Weinhard,  Giulia Bolasco, Francesca Pagani,  Alexei L Vyssotski,  Angelo Bifone,  Alessandro Gozzi,  Davide Ragozzino & Cornelius T Gross

Microglia are phagocytic cells that infiltrate the brain during development and have a role in the elimination of synapses during brain maturation. Changes in microglial morphology and gene expression have been associated with neurodevelopmental disorders. However, it remains unknown whether these changes are a primary cause or a secondary consequence of neuronal deficits. Here we tested whether a primary deficit in microglia was sufficient to induce some autism-related behavioral and functional connectivity deficits. Mice lacking the chemokine receptor Cx3cr1 exhibit a transient reduction of microglia during the early postnatal period and a consequent deficit in synaptic pruning. We show that deficient synaptic pruning is associated with weak synaptic transmission, decreased functional brain connectivity, deficits in social interaction and increased repetitive-behavior phenotypes that have been previously associated with autism and other neurodevelopmental and neuropsychiatric disorders. These findings open the possibility that disruptions in microglia-mediated synaptic pruning could contribute to neurodevelopmental and neuropsychiatric disorders.


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